Harnessing the Data Asset – Today’s Key Imperative

Date: 20th Feb 2018

Venue: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch Graf-zu-Ysenburg-und-Büdingen-Platz 1, 63263 Frankfurt/Neu-Isenburg, Germany

In the digital context, data is becoming the most valuable asset within the corporate portfolio. Over the last few years it has experienced exponential growth as data sources such as smart phones and sensors proliferate. But legacy applications and infrastructures were never designed for such an explosive situation, and IT organisations are challenged like never before to deal with this challenge.

Storing and managing ever expanding oceans of disparate data is calling for radical new tools and techniques at both the hardware and software levels. Applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyse and harness the value contained in such data is a further dimension that requires new approaches within both IT and business organisations.

As key partners, Hortonworks and DellEMC have taken the bold step to address this problem head-on for the benefit of the entire IT community. In this round table we will explore what IT organisations can do to prepare themselves for digital business, and discuss recent experience in applying new data management and storage techniques to harness and exploit this key resource.

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