Delivering Mobile Security and Compliance: A Primer for 2018

Date: 31st Jan 2018

Venue: Cabinet/Churchill War Rooms, Clive Steps, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AQ

Kick off 2018 with an essential security briefing. In partnership with BlackBerry, this one-off CBR Dining Club event will explore endpoint security, secure collaboration and compliance in an era of enhanced mobility.
For anyone in the financial services sector, the event could not be more timely – MiFID II will be upon us and the introduction of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be a matter of weeks away. And as more and more organisations map out and execute digital transformation projects, delivery of a workable mobile strategy will be key. That’s why this event will provide practical guidance and best practice solutions to help you accelerate those projects.
During the evening you will hear from a BlackBerry keynote speaker who will lay out the conditions to best secure, manage and control endpoints; to protect files and intellectual property; and to instigate a safe instant messaging regime for the WhatsApp generation.
You will then be given the opportunity to quiz our expert panel of industry practitioners and commentators before enjoying a networking dinner in the company of senior financial services peers.
The event will take place in the unique surroundings of the Cabinet War Rooms. Before we get down to business, you will be given the chance to explore the underground bunker that protected the staff and secrets at the heart of Britain’s government during the Second World War as Winston Churchill and his inner circle plotted the route to Allied victory.
If you are a senior decision maker working in the financial services sector looking for practical insights on the future of mobile security and compliance, this is the event for you. Do join us for what promises to be a memorable evening.

Event Location
