Removing data roadblocks to accelerate cloud migration

Date: 4th Jun 2020

Venue: Virtual Event

With the economic environment changing daily many organisations are adapting their technology and applying new ideas to drive business agility, bring down costs and speed up cloud migrations.​
But what are the barriers to swift cloud migrations and how can they be removed or mitigated?​
Register for this Virtual Dining Club event, hosted by CBR on Thursday 4 June from 4.30pm with partners Delphix, where we will examine the data-related roadblocks and explore how they can be addressed. You will also get the opportunity to discuss with your peers and industry experts data protection, productivity, quality levels and how these are impacted by running in the cloud, as well as​ data portability and which features CIOs are adopting in cloud environments.
Topics to be discussed include:​

-Speeding migration to the cloud
-Managing data in and across clouds
-Securing data in cloud or hybrid environments

Event Location
